BUD-A’ya de ah-PrE’: BUD-12 Contact Combat System
In this episode 7 of Season 3, Dr. Jere unveils for the first time BUD-A’ya de ah-PrE’: BUD-12 Combat Self-Protection System . It is the Base-12 combat, self-protection system created to anticipate combat in finite, Black hole fall systems, originating from the AdorA (magnetic particle spin) side of creation. It is the combat fighting system used by the BUD-12 special operations teams of the AdonA Bhud-Aeah Command Council and, with the exception of a handful of practitioners in the Milky Galaxy, is nearly extinct. BUD-A’ya de ah-PrE’ ’ seeks At-One-ment with Source Consciousness and the 12 higher senses and is commonly referred to as the fiercest and most effective of the Eternal self-protection techniques. Highly effective at disabling and neutralizing multiple, larger invaders as it was designed to protect against the Anunnaki, Giants and Drakonian invaders.
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