The False Yugas and Precession of the Equinoxes

September 12, 2021 Jere Rivera-Dugenio, Ph.D. Season 2 Episode 5

In this fifth episode of Season 2, Dr. Jere introduces  "The False Yugas and Precession of the Equinoxes." If you celebrate the Spring, Fall, Winter and Summer Solstice cycles, you MUST  listen to what Dr. Jere  shares regarding this subject. Many sleeping humans on this planet are literal pawns for the off-planet Finite-life, Illuminati-First-borns races. These off-planet, finite-life Illuminati-First-borns races control their Illuminati-Human Families (Astor, Kennedy, Rothschild, and Rockefeller) like puppets, as well as any other groups or individuals who celebrate or worship the “False Yugas and the Precession of the Equinoxes.”


Jere Unfiltered LIVE:

On the last Sunday of each month, Jere Unfiltered LIVE is an hour-long, subscription-based conversation with Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio. These Live broadcasts offer the perfect opportunity to ask Dr. Jere questions that might arise while listening to Jere Unfiltered Podcast, and about the application of this work.

Thank you for listening to the Jere Unfiltered Podcast!

High Oscillations!